Product Description
It takes a special kind of bravery to get up in front of a group of friends and dance around like a crazy person. In Dance Central, the first Kinect-friendly party game from the talented folks at Harmonix, players will need a fair helping of that bravery. This is the first "real" dance game I've ever played, one that demands actual full-body dancing from the player (and not just the fancy footwork required in the DDR franchise). This means you need a gung-ho attitude to play, but it also means that you have one fantastic party game for people that love to dance. Although Dance Central isn't a perfect experience, the good times that come with it are well worth the investment.
Get ready for the best-selling dance game on Kinect! With another killer soundtrack, the best routines and all-new multiplayer features, Dance Central 2 is sure to get your party started!
- It's Party Time! Team up with your friends to dance collaboratively with all-new simultaneous multiplayer features. Players can drop in or out at any point during a song, so the party never has to stop!
- Pump up the Volume! Dance Central 2 features an unparalleled soundtrack of more than 40 new dance hits and classics. The new, fully integrated in-game Music Store will allow players to expand their song library by importing their Dance Central song list for Dance Central 2 , bringing the number of songs available at launch to more than 100 tracks!*
- Kick it with the Crews! Dance Central 2 features a variety of new characters and fan favorites paired up as dance crews, each with custom outfits, backup dancers and signature venues.
- As Real as It Gets. Dance Central 2 provides detailed feedback for each player and, for the first time, enables voice commands within the practice process!