Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD (Japanese)



Product Description

The new base of operations is Yukumo Village. This village has a feudal Japanese feel to it, both from its design to its residents. The player can take two Felynes out with him/her on a single player quest, up from the single companion of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. When you take Felynes out on quests, monster attacks are divided between the player and the companions, making hunts easier. Also new to Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is the ability to customize the Felyne companions' equipment. Doing so will change the creature's physical appearance and properties. The player will be able to customize the Felynes in three areas: weapon, head parts and torso parts. A new field introduced in the game is Mountain Stream (渓流 Keiryū?). All the hunting fields in Monster Hunter Tri, along with the addition of the Mountain Stream field are included in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Underwater quests, however, have been completely removed, therefore maps such as the Deserted Island and Flooded Forest have been revised to work around this.[3][4] Not all monsters from Monster Hunter Tri are present in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - Lagiacrus, Gobul, and Ceadeus have been removed. Jinouga, the flagship monster of the game is shown on the cover art.

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