Product Description
Finally available to North American audiences after runs in Europe and Japan a few years back, Myst is more than just a faithful translation of the classic adventure game that defined a genre at a critical time in gaming history: the CD revolution. Developer Hoplite Research has fashioned a director's cut of sorts for PSP gamers, going back to the source material and upgrading it for the widescreen display as well as adding on an age cut from the original 1993 release. Rime Age, restored in realMyst, has been glued on to this port.
There are no instructions and the player begins a voyage of exploration without encountering a single living soul. Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly, though, it becomes clear every action can somehow help unfortunate individuals trapped somewhere in a parallel dimension. The Myst adventure is like no other, tantalizing with its unique combination of lavish environments, puzzles, mazes, and a sizzling underlying drama which steadily unfolds to reward the player further still.