NCAA Football 09



Product Description

Wide Open and Authentic College Style Gameplay It's Wide Open - Bigger holes, cutback lanes, and open receivers, making the game feel more wide open than ever before. Directional pump fake on the R stick. New college specific tackling engine Home Field Advantage with new mini-game components - Pre-play confusion and difficulty making adjustments when on the road against tough teams. All new toughest places to play with dynamic rankings. All-new Mascot Mode with User Controlled Celebrations College Atmosphere & Pageantry - All-new Dynamic Crowd System. College sidelines are packed with additional players, mascots, cheerleaders, and more. All-new authentic fields with new textures, lighting, and field degradation. New college player models, including more than 50 alternate uniforms. User Customizable Stadium Sounds & Music. Breakaway crowd reactions Depth & Innovation - Online Dynasty. Roster file sharing online. Improved recruiting system in Dynasty mode highlighting ease and accessibility. New post game presentation and play by play commentary. 1-4 player offline co-op. Return missed field goals. Bluff your play art to confuse opponents. Formation audibles. Smart routes. Bobble catches. Better passing control. Post play continuation. All-New Mini Games. Random play selection in practice mode. Quick replay. CPU vs. CPU (watch mode). Smooth 60 FPS on PS3. Even teams option in play now.
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