Product Description
Tales of Eternia has four major game modes: the 3D world map, 2D town/dungeon maps, the battle screen, and the menu screen. The overworld map is used to navigate from one location to another in the game's fictional world; the individual locations on the overwold map are represented with 2D backgrounds and sprites. Cities and towns, which are extensively populated with NPCs, are valuable sources of plot progression and background information. Additionally, city merchants will exchange Gald, the in-game currency, for items or equipment that can be vital to completing the game. Random encounter-based combat is resolved on the battle screen using the Linear Motion Battle System, a hybrid that combines fighting game and traditional role-playing game elements. The menu screen is where the player organizes and uses items, creates new magic spells, develops battle strategies, changes character equipment, and views character statistics. Selected features from the menu screen, such as item use and AI settings, are also available in battle. The player can also learn recipes throughout the game, using them to cook status-enhancing or healing food out of combat.